Seattle Police Golf Association Est. 1935
2024 Club Champion - Dustin Holaday
Annual Meeting - Thursday February 15th at 1300 hours in the SPAA office at the SPD Range.
Friday March 1, First Day of GHIN Posting
Opening Day Scramble - 4-person team, Thursday April 11th at Northshore Golf Course RESULTS
Match #1 Trophy Lake (Scores due by May 9th)
Match #2 Redmond Ridge (Scores due by May 30th) RESULTS AFTER MATCH #2
Match #3 Washington National (Scores due by June 27th) RESULTS AFTER MATCH #3
Potty Mouth Memorial - Step Aside Scramble, Thursday June 20th at High Cedars Golf Course RESULTS
Memorial two-person best ball, Thursday July 11th at Maplewood Golf Course RESULTS
Match #4 Echo Falls (Scores due by July 18th) RESULTS AFTER MATCH #4
Quarter Finals (top eight qualifiers in each flight will be notified), July & August, course of players’ choice.
Semi-finals, August, course of players’ choice.
Finals, September, course of players’ choice.
End of Year 6-6-6 two-person team, Thursday September 19th at West Seattle Golf Course. (Note Change of Date) RESULTS